

Quantified insights audit report with impact study on all areas required to make enlightened decisions of a fleet transition to electric (battery electric or fuel cell).

Fleet management

Data-driven efficiency & Mobility electrification methodologies. IoT powered integrated fleet management. Seamless integration to existing telematics systems.


Transform your fleet to a net-zero electric powered fleet. Repower options include battery electric or fuel-cell powertrains with trade-in or new vehicle options.


New & trade-in market. International brands & OEM. Trade-ins of internal combustion engine vehicles. Conversions & reconditioning to electric.


Electric & hydrogen fleet charge stations. Complete modular infrastructure solution. AC & DC Fast Charge. Turnkey hydrogen dispensing stations. Compression, storage, cooling, and H2 dispensing modules.


Electricity & hydrogen production modules. EV transition adding pressure on electrical grids. Modular power generation options. Adapted based on location and output requirements.


Dynamic green finance, grant & carbon credit management. Franchise financing, new electric fleet, repowering & reconditioning, energy storage & charging infrastructure, generation assets, fleet management & skills development.


Electric fleet engineering & operational skills. Fully accredited QCTO qualifications. Full spectrum specialized EV courses. Powered by the number 1 e-learning platform.

Group brands

Modular engineering & service units with AI-based integration for independent or integrated business functions. Franchisees have the option to operate the franchise on a white label basis or use the © EVUNI global brands.

Evuni Group brand

Group brand.


Insights consulting & fleet management.

Fleet management

Fleet management.

Mobility engineering

Repowering & energy production


marketplace new and 2nd-hand EVs.


Financing & insurance mobility projects


Accredited qualifications.

Sport conversions

Auto sport & recreational conversions.


EVUNI provides a suite of ready-to-operate business solutions within what will be one of the highest growing sectors over the next decade. The modular business units include specialised services & engineering modules that are able to function totally independently, in addition to functionality that enables full integration of the other modules as a single multi-functional business. The modules are a selection of ready-to-operate business units. Business units are powered by a state-of-the-art Ai integrated platform that includes Live Business with dynamic global partner service level contracting, payments & profit share. The modules enable franchisees to specialise in specific areas, or operate a franchise as an integrated business with multiple modules as an integrated business.

Net-zero mobility is positioned in one of the highest growing sectors over the next decade. Global initiatives are mobilising funding to address climate  change and create employment. In the United States, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the CHIPS & Science Act, and IRA have partially overlapping priorities and together introduce $2 trillion in new federal spending within the sector over the next ten years.

EVUNI is a global franchise that provides full spectrum modular net-zero fleet technology solutions. The delivery model enables the dynamic transition of fleets from internal combustion powered engines to battery electric and fuel cell powered vehicles. The solution incorporates all aspects of fleet electrification including:

  • Insights
  • Fleet management software 
  • Repowering of ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles
  • New vehicles supply 
  • Charging infrastructure 
  • Net-zero energy generation 
  • Asset trading 
  • Finance & insurance
  • Training
  • EVUNI franchise

EVUNI is the world’s most advanced net-zero fleet mobility solutions provider. 

EVUNI provides a suite of ready-to-operate business solutions within what will be one of the highest growing sectors over the next decade.  The dynamic franchise business model is engineered to Blitzscale globally, sustaining  EVUNI’s 1st mover advantage within its totally unique full-suite net-zero fleet mobility solutions offering. We are number ranked #1 in fleet technology because:

Modular technology

The only full cycle fleet technology solution that includes all components to transition to net-zero. Flexible modules with a globally scalable franchise business model.

Technology experts

We specialise in all aspects of fleet electrification. Our model consistently evaluates new technologies that are included in our quantified Insights Audit Report.

Quantified insights

We provide a quantified independent insights audit report in all aspects of fleet electrification. The 7 detailed reports include sensitivity analysis & IRR on technology options including battery electric vs fuel cell.

© Evuni Ai Platform

Open Ai platform designed & built by world champions that dynamically mobilizes global infrastructure and intellectual property within the education, skills development and green mobility and energy sector.

© Evuni Supply Chain

Global supply chain that includes top quality branded and white label products & services that are consistently benchmarked and updated to ensure premium quality & pricing to franchisees & customers.

© EV Bank

Dynamic green finance, grant & carbon credit management. Franchise financing, new electric fleet,  repowering & reconditioning, energy storage & charging infrastructure, generation assets, fleet management & skills development.

Skills development

Skills development engine built on fully accredited qualifications structured within an international qualifications framework. The curriculum provides learners with the opportunity to grow from level 1 to 7 with a diversity of courses including the full spectrum of skills requirements within the net-zero mobility and energy sector.

Tech diversity

New technology is consistently evaluated & included within the franchise & academy. With quantified insights customers are able to make informed decisions with choices such as battery electric versus fuel cell, new vs repowered & energy production options.


Ready-to-operate, fully funded franchise business units provide franchisees with a selection of services and engineering franchise modules that are operated on an open Ai platform constructed by a team of world champions. 

The transition from internal combustion based engines to electric powered vehicles will eventually touch almost every form of mobility on the planet. This is powered by the global initiative to slow down global warming, create a healthier environment with clean air and reverse the damage done to the planet that is now directly impacting every single lifeform on the planet. Global green funding, carbon credit programmes and state & federal funding is enabling acceleration to the Net-zero 2050 target.  The US Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the CHIPS & Science Act, and IRA have partially overlapping priorities and together introduce $2 trillion in new federal spending within the sector over the next ten years.

Technology is improving consistently within all areas of mobility. This includes storage technologies that are evolving on an ongoing basis including more sustainable battery technology such as sodium and solid state technology that increases storage per volume & weight ratios in addition to putting less strain on environmental resources. Both battery electric and fuel cell, hydrogen based technology are evolving within their own strengths within niche sectors and within the industry at large.

As the technology matures, the transition to electric is becoming increasingly viable, even within areas that require longer distances and more power, where current technology may be too limiting or infrastructure such as hydrogen filling stations are not available or the grid is not able to cope with additional power requirements.. 

 EVUNI addresses the largest challenges to transition to electric. The major challenges include:

  • No integrated solutions are available that include all aspects of fleet electrification.
  • Lack of insights and independent quantified data 
  • No current and independent benchmarking on the latest technology
  • Uncertain green power & fuel supply resources
  • Unpredictable and expensive green power & fuel supply
  • Capital cost to transition & existing investment in systems with limited or no repowering options to convert fleet.
  • Lack of training and support on all aspects of the transition including operators, systems management, vehicle & infrastructure maintenance.
  • Limited knowledge to leverage on green funding instruments such as carbon credits & federal and state incentives.
  • No bankable business plan to acquire project funding. 
  • Limited skills to project manage deployment and operations of the integrated solution.
  • Lack of an integrated intelligent platform to manage all resources and the supply chain.
  • No integrated business model with live international payments and profit share distribution
  • Limited local expertise to manage service & engineering requirements of the solution.
  • Lack,  limited access and delays to access top quality components with global supplier warranties.   

 Virtually every citizen on the planet is a potential client  due to the net-zero mobility transition. The evolution and maturity of the technology, local resources & infrastructure and applicable federal and state incentives directly impact the client focus areas. Client focus areas include:

Public & private fleet operators.

School bus conversions are a high priority area.

City bus
City bus transition to electric is highly effective.

Courier service vehicles & infrastructure.

Minibus taxis
Repowering, charge infrastructure & generation

Ambulances & 1st responders are a high focus area

Airport transit vehicles & customer ev charge.

Transition internal combustion fleet to electric.

Auto rental
Transition of vehicles & infrastructure .

Taxis & Flexride
Transition of fleet, infrastructure & systems

Food & convenience delivery transition to electric.

Transition to net-zero fleet & infrastructure.

Bulk movers
Transition bulk vehicles & infrastructure

Transition to a net-zero production

Transition to a net-zero defense force

Auto sport
Transition of sport & recreational vehicles.

Modular franchise

Dynamic modular franchise business structure with specialised services & engineering modules provides the platform for global Blitzscaling.

Branded & white label

Franchisees have the option to operate the franchise on a white label basis with their own branding or utilise the EVUNI global brands.

Nextgen Fintech 

The integrated Ai powered payment solutions module provides seamless international commerce through the Evuni platform.

Green Power

Integrated insights and business model leveraging on state & federal incentives and international instruments including carbon credit programmes.

Premium Partners

Our dynamic technology benchmarking by experts ensures that we consistently integrate the best products & services and establish a global supply chain with premium partners. 

Live Business

The integrated platform provides dynamic global partner service level contracting, payments & profit share.

University Plus

The integrated academy is built on an international qualifications framework headed up by experts that include the latest technology on a real-time basis and a global network of approved technical colleges, universities & skills providers.

Take your current business to a completely new level. Transform your current business into a top global brand within a market segment that enables you to thrive for the next decade and beyond, within a partnership that creates vibrant communities and a healthy planet. EVUNI enables your business to provide quality customer experiences through providing full spectrum solutions leveraging on global IP, partnerships & solutions that have sourced the highest quality products at the best pricing.  You benefit through increased revenue & profitability from a diversity of income streams including consulting, engineering services & conversions, new EV & infrastructure sales , maintenance contracts, training and fleet management software & services.


Franchisees have a selection of ready-to-operate business units. The modular business units include specialised services & engineering modules that are able to function totally independently, in addition to functionality that enables full integration of the other modules as a single multi-functional business. Franchises are business ready and are localised according to regional and local conditions. Franchisees have the option to operate the franchise on a white label basis with their own branding or adopt the internal brands available. Business units are powered by a world class Ai integrated platform that includes Live Business with dynamic global partner service level contracting, payments & profit share. The franchises create new job opportunities and skills development within several specialises fields that are encapsulated within the business modules and the academy. The modules enable franchisees to specialise in specific areas, or operate a franchise as an integrated business with multiple modules as an integrated business.


Franchisee candidates include: 


The ready-to-operate business modules are an ideal platform for an entrepreneur to start a new business within a thriving industry. Franchisees are dressed-for-success with a tried and tested business model, a premium global supply chain, integrated skills development, global sales & marketing support, operational funding and an Ai platform powering all aspects of the business.  


Consultants are able to differentiate themselves through providing premium professional services within this thriving sector.

ICT Services

Individuals and companies within the information and communications technology sector are able to entrench themselves within a thriving sector where ICT is at the heart of  operations, increasing the value offered to customers and securing long term sustainability and profits.     

Skills providers

Skills providers, technical colleges and universities are able to plug-in to a vibrant market as specialists, where they are able to differentiate themselves from generic academic institutions through providing a deeper level of skills where graduates benefit through sustainable employment, improved job satisfaction and a higher income stream.  


Automotive dealerships have the opportunity to restructure their business model to leverage on this thriving sector, utilising the franchise as an outlet for new vehicle sales, enhanced by trade-in & repowering of internal combustion powered vehicles, trade in 2nd hand vehicles and infrastructure and equipment supply. 


Private equity, green funds and other financial service providers are able to increase profits, enhance their net-zero public ratings and de-risk their portfolio through a tried and tested business model, enhanced through growth and stimulus within this thriving sector.   

Automotive services

Automotive service providers and mechanics are able to increase their sustainability and profits through expanding existing internal combustion based services to include battery electric and fuel cell vehicles that wil become increasingly dominant.

Engineering & electrical

Engineering & electrical service providers are able to specialise delivery within a thriving sector that will increase the value offered to clients and increase sustainability and profits. 

Energy infrastructure

Gas stations are able to expand their current business model to incorporate battery & fuel cell vehicles, enhancing sustainability and increasing profits.

Energy producers

Green energy producers of electricity and hydrogen are able to increase their market share and profits within a captured market. Fossil fuel producers are able to enhance their net-zero public perception and retain and increase market share through participating in this vibrant sector.

The dynamic modular franchise business model is engineered to Blitzscale globally, sustaining  EVUNI’s 1st mover advantage within its totally unique full-suite net-zero fleet mobility solutions offering.

The modular business units include specialised services & engineering modules that are able to function totally independently, in addition to functionality that enables full integration of the other modules as a single multi-functional business. The modules are a selection of ready-to-operate business units. Business units are powered by a state-of-the-art Ai integrated platform that includes Live Business with dynamic global partner service level contracting, payments & profit share. The modules enable franchisees to specialise in specific areas, or operate a franchise as an integrated business with multiple modules as an integrated business.


Quantified insights audit report with impact study on all areas required to make enlightened decisions of a fleet transition to electric (battery electric or fuel cell).

The IAR reports addresses fleet transition from ICE  (internal combustion engine) to battery electric (BEV) & fuel cell vehicles (FCV). It includes federal, state & local impacting factors in addition to vehicle age, route & workload assessment

Insights audit report (IAR) quantified detailed impact study reports include::

Vehicle (new vs repowered investment)

  • Powertrain evaluation ( BEV vs FCV)
  • Federal & state vehicle  incentive assessment
  • Vehicle assessment (current fleet type, age & options)
  • Repower engineering of ICB vehicles 
  • Vehicle maintenance 
  • New vehicle purchases
  • Vehicle market (trade in on ICB for conversion & resale)
  • Skills development (drivers, technicians, controllers)
  • Fleet systems (telematics & fleet & asset management)
  • Vehicle finance, lease & partnership solutions 

Infrastructure (grid & H2 availability & pricing)

  • Modular charge stations ( Electric & H2)
  • Electric & H2 infrastructure evaluation & solutions
  • Infrastructure command & control systems
  • Training (charge station/H2 depot technicians, controllers )
  • Infrastructure finance, lease & partnership solutions
  • Federal & state infrastructure incentive assessment
  • Grid availability & pricing analysis
  • Hydrogen supply assessment
  • Route & charge station analysis 
  • Depot versus on-route charge station analysisEnergy production ( electricity & H2 process analysis)
  • Modular power stations (engineering & maintenance)
  • Electric & H2 output modules
  • PV, wind & biomass powered
  • Electric & H2 infrastructure assessment
  • Federal & state power incentive assessment
  • Grid availability & pricing analysis
  • Hydrogen supply assessment
  • Feedstock supply agreements
  • Local resource analysis including biomass, sun & wind 
  • Power command & control systems
  • Training (electric/H2 technicians, controllers )
  • Infrastructure finance, lease & partnership solutions

Fleet systems (telematics & fleet & resource management)

  • Open modular system architecture
  • Seamless integration with legacy systems & telematics
  • Fleet management evaluation 
  • Data-driven efficiency & mobility electrification methodologies
  • IoT powered integrated fleet management
  • Fleet performance optimization (reduced fuel & maintenance costs)
  • Training (telematics, software & controllers )
  • Fleet management finance, lease & partnership solutions
  • Command & control on all aspects of fleet operations

Skills development (operators. technicians, controllers +)

  • Most advanced education within the green mobility industry 
  • Fully accredited qualifications
  • Specialised new-skills programs
  • Built on the world’s leading e-learning platform
  • Headed up by industry experts 
  • Dynamic global content and training delivery
  • Localization of accreditations
  • Workplace experience through global & local partners 
  • Work-ready skills that advances the industry 
  • Highest level of employment security and earnings
  1. Business model (finance, implementation & partnership options)
  • Dynamic project finance, business model & partnership options
  • Partnership options  include OMT, BT, BOT, LDO, BOLT, BOOT & BOO
  • EVC franchise provides advanced plug-in-play transformation
  • Supplement & transform ICB powered business model
  • Incorporate state-of-the-art BEV & FCV technology
  • Superior global supply chain of quality product and services
  • Dynamic on-line skills development platform
  • World-class  support structure
  • New product and services revenue streams
  • Improve customer offering & satisfaction
  • Employee job satisfaction, employment security & higher income
  • Increased enterprize competitiveness & profitability

Fleet Management

Data-driven efficiency & Mobility electrification methodologies. IoT powered integrated fleet management. Seamless integration to existing telematics systems.

  • Open modular system architecture
  • Seamless integration with legacy systems & telematics
  • Fleet management evaluation 
  • Data-driven efficiency & mobility electrification methodologies
  • IoT powered integrated fleet management
  • Fleet performance optimization (reduced fuel & maintenance costs)
  • Training (telematics, software & controllers )
  • Fleet management finance, lease & partnership solutions
  • Command & control on all aspects of fleet operations


Transform your fleet to a net-zero electric powered fleet. Repower options include battery electric or fuel-cell powertrains.


New & trade-in market. New electric vehicles top international brands & OEM. Trade-ins of ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) buses. Conversions & reconditioning ICE to Electric. Maintenance, installation & training.


Commercial electric & hydrogen fleet charge stations. Complete modular infrastructure solution. AC & DC Fast Charge. Turnkey hydrogen dispensing stations. Compression, storage, cooling, and hydrogen dispensing modules.


Electricity & hydrogen production modules.  EV transition adding pressure on electrical grids. Modular power generation options.  Adapted based on location and output requirements.


EV Bank provides net-zero finance & insurance for all aspects of your franchise. 

  • Dynamic project finance, business model & partnership options
  • Partnership options  include OMT, BT, BOT, LDO, BOLT, BOOT & BOO
  • EVC franchise provides advanced plug-in-play transformation
  • Supplement & transform ICB powered business model
  • Incorporate state-of-the-art BEV & FCV technology
  • Superior global supply chain of quality product and services
  • Dynamic on-line skills development platform
  • World-class  support structure
  • New product and services revenue streams
  • Improve customer offering & satisfaction
  • Employee job satisfaction, employment security & higher income
  • Increased enterprize competitiveness & profitability


Electric fleet engineering & operational skills. Fully accredited QCTO qualifications. Full spectrum specialized EV courses. Powered by the number 1 e-learning platform.

  • Most advanced education within the green mobility industry 
  • Fully accredited qualifications
  • Specialised new-skills programs
  • Built on the world’s leading e-learning platform
  • Headed up by industry experts 
  • Dynamic global content and training delivery
  • Localization of accreditations
  • Workplace experience through global & local partners 
  • Work-ready skills that advances the industry 
  • Highest level of employment security and earnings